SeekFreaks thanks Dr. Amanda Iannotti, OTD, OTR/L for creating and submitting this document to be made available via SeekFreaks. Amanda is a school-based OT who has a passion for making evidence-informed practice accessible. She strives to promote functional physical activity across the school day for ALL students. Amanda works to bring awareness to the physical, mental, and behavioral benefits of physical activity, as well as the participation gap for folks with disabilities. She aims to promote health & wellness and change public view on high-intensity exercise for individuals of all abilities. Amanda is a big believer in supporting students with skills they themselves find meaningful, and guiding school teams to consider meaningful transition planning and life/vocational skill practice at all ages and stages!
The document: “Considerations for personal protective equipment during COVID-19 for school-based direct service providers” was written by a school-based occupational therapist with the intent to inform district decision makers about the differences between the various face mask designs and to advocate for appropriate PPE for direct service providers upon return to in-person education and/or evaluation.
Please use this document and the embedded chart to further understand best practice guidelines for COVID-19 and mask wearing. Additionally, please share this document with colleagues and key players/decision makers within your organization to support evidence-based decision making and staff safety.
Information regarding COVID-19 is evolving rapidly. Please note that information in this document is current as of August 3, 2020; refer to the reference list and check for updates to listed websites (e.g., CDC.gov).
Join SeekFreaks’ Carlo, Laurie and Peggy at the School-based OT & PT Online Symposiums